Improve your SSG analysis using industry averages.
Assessing the fundamental strength's of a company using BetterInvesting's Stock Selection Guide can be improved by comparing many ratios to those of peers, competitors, and other industry group members.
That's why ICLUBcentral publishes a list of key industry averages each week on the website for use by stock investors. These averages include % Pre-tax Profit on Sales, Return on Equity, Debt-to-Equity, Revenue & EPS Growth, and EPS Predictability (R2) -- some of the most informative values for use in comparing a company to others in its industry group
The industry average data is generated weekly by ICLUBcentral's, a web tool focused on fundamentally stock investors that includes full-featured portfolio recordkeeping, stock screening, dividend analysis, technical charting, fundamental company data and reports, and much more. StockCentral subscribers access the industry averages page with weekly updates, and the abilty to drill down into each industry and rank the included companies.
See this week's current industry averages.
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